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How Independent Hotels Harness the Power of Duetto’s Innovative Revenue Management Solutions

Leading independent hotels across the globe, such as the Curator Hotel & Resort Collection and Helios Hotels & Resorts, partner with Duetto for intelligent revenue management solutions that help their properties get smarter pricing, more accurate reports, and optimize contract business while working within a smaller business unit and the restraints that can bring. 

Duetto’s dynamic analytics and decision systems give independent hotels the power to deploy intelligent and modern pricing strategies, and agile distribution, which maximizes revenue and profit.

With Duetto’s controlled automation, independent hotels’ on-property revenue teams can focus on strategy, while automating everything else. And they can do this confident in the knowledge that no opportunity will be missed. Plus, rates will automatically flex to meet demand - even on weekends when they are not sitting at their desks.

Duetto allows you to customize your revenue strategy.  We understand that many independent hotels offer multiple room types and so we provide a customized and segmented room-type strategy that empowers revenue teams with much more creativity when developing their marketing plan.

By operating revenue on a cloud-based platform such as Duetto, independent hotels can share data - in real-time -  with all departments. This means that everyone can work together towards the same goal - maximizing revenue.

Let’s take a look at how two independent hotel brands work with Duetto for their innovative revenue management:

Curator Hotel & Resort Collection

Curator Hotel & Resorts - which represents a group of 90+ fiercely independent small brands and lifestyle hotels and resorts across the US - partnered with Duetto as its preferred revenue technology partner in early 2021. Since then the two companies have worked together to gain real results for Curator’s member hotels, even when the market was experiencing significant uncertainty.

“Demand patterns have changed dramatically as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Everything from length of stay to day-of-week, business/leisure mix, group/transient mix, booking lead times, and windows – everything is different than it was in the past, and it continued to evolve as markets reopened, businesses returned to office (or not), remote work created more flexibility, and international travel closed and reopened,” explained Austin Segal, Vice President, Curator Hotel & Resort Collection.

“Duetto provides hotels with the ability to dial in their strategy and tell the system how to price and control their inventory.  Especially as we look less to history and more to the current and future, the “art” that revenue managers bring to the equation is increasingly important. Duetto is unique in its ability to not just deploy rate recommendations, but truly arm revenue managers with automation and tools to support the execution of their ever-evolving strategies,” he added.

Commenting on Duetto’s ability to bring all the hotel’s revenue data into one place, and combine it with competitive market data from sources such as OTA Insight and Demand360, Segal added: “This visibility in one tool makes it easier to react to changes in the market and remain competitive.” 

Helios Hotels

Spain’s Helios Hotels - which operates four resorts in Spain, with properties in Benidorm, Majorca, Granada, and the Costa Brava - joined forces with Duetto in 2018 as part of a total digital transformation. Since then, it’s swapped out its PMS for Sihot and added SiteMinder as its channel manager.

“The three systems integrate to optimize our business,” Kris Vanaerschot, Chief Commercial Officer at Helios explained.

“Sihot receives the pick up and the reservations made from SiteMinder. Sihot sends the pick up and occupancy data to Duetto every hour. The Duetto algorithm then optimizes our rates and sends rate changes to SiteMinder, which then sends the reservations to Sihot. It is a circle. We are now maximizing every opportunity and we can react to market changes quickly. We had a very successful summer 2022 and the tech has certainly been key to maximizing the demand and transforming that into revenue,” Vanaerschot added.

Learn more about how Duetto collaborates with leading hotels here:

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Claire Middleton, Contributing Editor

Claire is a Contributing Editor with Duetto. An experienced editor and copywriter, with more than a decade of experience working for various publishing houses, private companies and agencies, she is now a full-time freelance writer, providing regular editorials on the hotel industry for Duetto.

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