The July 4th weekend provided a short-term uptick in demand for North America, yet new pick up for the rest of the summer remains dampened and trailing heavily behind STLY, according to the data in our latest Pulse Report.
Short-term gains for bookings in July, followed by a tailing off of consumer confidence for dates further out, appeared to be the scenario playing out in all four geographic regions tracked by the Pulse Report: North America, Latin America, EMEA and APAC.
Here’s a quick summary of how new bookings and on the books played out for June 29 to July 12:
North America
New bookings data for June 29 to July 12 saw a 32% increase in bookings for stays in July compared to the previous edition of the Pulse Report (June 15-28). However, that’s where the uptick ends.
July 2020 was the only month that saw an increase in net new pick up for North America as compared to the previous Pulse Report. All other months, including the short-term months of August and September, saw a decrease versus previous weeks.
Overall, on the books for July remained 66% behind same time last year (STLY). That trend continues throughout the rest of the year as pace is slow to recover. However, some markets such as Florida are helping boost these figures.
Latin America
In Latin America, the most recent Pulse Report indicated a 136% rise in new bookings for July stays, and a modest 19% growth in August stays, compared to the fortnight previous. However, all other stay dates for the rest of 2020 saw a decline in activity.
Comparing LATAM on the books with STLY, those gains fall into perspective, as July remains 77% behind and August remains 67% behind, making this region the one that is trailing most behind 2019 figures.
It’s a similar story in Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), where end of summer demand has stagnated. July stay dates saw an 84% increase in new bookings, followed by 37% for August and 26% for September.
Increased consumer confidence for last minute breaks has helps reduce the deficit against STLY, albeit marginally. The most recent Pulse Report puts July 71% behind STLY compared with 74% in the previous report.
Asia Pacific again saw a huge uptick in new bookings for July, up 167% on the last Pulse Report. What’s more, this trend continues through bookings for August and September, which are up 150%. However, new outbreaks in the region could impact this consumer confidence.
On the books for APAC is trailing behind STLY by similar margins to the rest of the world. July on the books is 63% behind and August is 70% behind.
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